Detergent residues can cause allergic dermatitis Laundry service is rinsed clean
Published time: 2016-11-08
The expert points out, careless choice of washing supplies is likely to cause skin disease. Such as, clothing has a detergent residues can cause allergic dermatitis. So pay attention to do a good job of prevention.
The expert points out, careless choice of washing supplies is likely to cause skin disease. Such as, clothing has a detergent residues can cause allergic dermatitis. So pay attention to do a good job of prevention.
Detergent residues can cause allergic dermatitis
If detergent residue exists when washing clothes is likely to cause allergic dermatitis.
According to introducing, daily use detergent to add more enzyme washing powder, it contains proteolytic enzymes can make the protein of water-insoluble substances (human skin secretion, certain foods, or is the main components of the blood protein) hydrolyzed into water soluble amino acids, therefore, enzymatic detergent is much better than general detergent decontamination effect.
But with enzyme washing powder in the use of proteolytic enzymes in the process of consumption, sometimes not thoroughly and residue in the clothing, when people wearing the clothes especially close-fitting clothing, due to residual proteolytic enzyme decomposition of protein, skin and cause skin allergy symptoms such as pruritus and erythema papula.
Detergent residues can cause allergic dermatitis
In order to avoid allergic dermatitis caused by residue washing clothes, in the use of washing powder, the dosage should be appropriate, don't put much, clothing rinse several times more, laundry had better use clear water to soak for a while, still can use hot water immersion when necessary, to destroy the residual enzyme activity, which can prevent skin allergy.